Wednesday, August 16, 2006


here are most of my manipulation works in random order.
well, i don't date when do i create them.'ll be in random order.

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this was the banner for this site before i eventually change the skin.
click HERE for actual size :)

and here is an attempt of me doing the torch man.

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click HERE for actual size.
full view yeah.
coz compression of pics kills the quality and detail of it.

my second attempt on doing a devilic me.

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click HERE for actual size.

well i don't know where the hell is the pic of my first attempt and i'm too lazy to browse tru my collections of pics.
there are thousands of them !
and i haven't really got the time to properly organise them.

i don't know if this is vectoring or what.
but i just did it.

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click HERE to view full size.

i'm the second on from the left and the rest are my buddies over here in singapore.

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a cosplay manipulation.
ain't that great.
not very satisfied either.
click HERE for actual size.

old paper style i did for my fren.

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i think it's great !

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er..this is basically from the vector above.
i took myself out and change the background here and there.

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my very first attempt on doing an angelic me.
and i think it's the best still !

another cosplay design.

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click HERE to view full !

this was a request from my fren's bf.
he sent me this pic.

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and asked me to make water come out from the tap.
here's my attempt !

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i tried to make hell.
as in lots of devil and stuff.
but below will be one of my worst work ever.

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HERE for full view.

i then took out the accompanying devils and i think it looks much better.

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click HERE for full.

my second attempt on an angelic me ain't as nice as the very first.
but here it is anyway.

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HERE for full !

another request i did for my friend was this.

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he sent me Nadal's pic.
and asked me to change the face to his.

here's my attempt.

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this is not a very amazing manipulation i did of myself again.
when i'm old....

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an attempt on an interface necklance.
doesn't turn out very nice thou.

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i did this for the picture i used to use on my other blog.

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and tried to design something up for boa !

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i then take the very same concept and did it for princess.

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a mixture of the very few scenery pics i took.

another design for princess.

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this is my miserable first attempt on doing a cyborg me.

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HERE for full

after the miserable attempt.
i tried to do it again.
and here's my second attempt.

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HERE for full.

a banner i used for my skin design on

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to view full, just visit her site yea =P

playing around with tattooes.

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click HERE to view full !

then i try to do it for jessica alba too !

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HERE for full size !

my second attempt on angel n devil.
again, i don't know where the hell is the first attempt.

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one of my most recent manipulation too.
u gotta view FULL.

when separated,
they look like this.

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and this

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tried to do some sketch.

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guess that's most of them.


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